Issue 06 - Orange Sporange
C🔮: The subject of food breathes life into me, this is the only time I can confidently carry myself through a conversation, no matter the language, I can fully express my curiosities and excitement with a plate in front of me. Over the holidays, meeting second cousins and friends of a friend of a sister’s friend, as well as many other social situations throughout this year, there were instances I wish I could’ve pulled a rabbit out of my hat because I simply could not relate speaking to the acquaintance in front of me. It happens, sparking conversation with everyone is a gift we don’t all have.
However, sharing plates with others sparks instant connection as we experience the rich flavors and textures simultaneously. In a place as mundane as a grocery store, or even more special, someone else’s kitchen, I’m instantly engaged with everything in the room, I have a million questions, and I am overwhelmed knowing the possibilities of recipes that come endlessly once I understand this ingredient or tool. I am glowing as I speak to fellow food enthusiasts, as we share our experiments and adventures through feats in the kitchen.
Z💫: As C mentioned, I believe food takes a significant place in Asian culture. Especially the fun fact about the Korean language is rich in proverbs and expressions related to food. That reflects how food is important in our culture. The most crucial part of the food is that food can transcends language barriers, allowing people from different cultures to connect. Even when we can’t communicate with own verbal languages, sharing and caring each other by food is always possible. And good food has the power to evoke nostalgia as time in human experiences.
Reflecting on the year 2023, I realized that throughout the process of developing relationships with friends and strangers, food has consistently played a significant role. Whether it was with individuals from the same cultural background or those from an entirely opposite cultural background, food has served as a common thread connecting us. Furthermore, coming to the Netherlands and encountering new ingredients has been a big challenge for me in exploring and understanding a new culture and how to incorporate Asian cuisine into it.
So here’s some food for thought that’s developed into several monologues.
[C🔮’s Monologues]
A photozine of my food journey since moving to the Netherlands a year ago. Some readers might recognize meals we’ve shared together, thank you for contributing to my orange sporange quest.
[Z💫’s Monologues]
A photozine of my food journey for my friends. In 2023, I have reflected upon some memorable occasions where friends, who have been a part of my life, shared special moments through my cooking time and food. I sincerely, send love and many thanks to those friends who either visited my home or shared these meals together.
Recipe [If you want to try]
Budae-jjigae (Army stew) Recipe
Ingredients: Gochujang (red chili paste), soy sauce (for the soup, if you don’t just use normal soy sauce), salt, black pepper, vegetable stock (2 packs), vegetables, various vegan sausages, tempeh, tofu, cheese, white beans (if unavailable, any white beans are fine). +Tomato sauce (preference)
1) Any vegetables you like and cut them into small pieces.
2) Tempeh, tofu, and vegan sausages, and cut them into appealing shapes.
3) Place all the chopped ingredients in a large pot.
4) Add the white beans to the pot.
5) Boil water in a kettle, and once it boils, pour it into the pot.
6) Add 1.5 spoons of gochujang, 1 spoon of soy sauce, salt, and 2 packs of vegetable stock to the pot and let it boil.
7) Taste it and if it's too mild and bland, add tomato sauce or more gochujang according to your preference.
C🔮 : I’m curious to know what people’s favorite foods are to make at home. Is this the go-to-dish because it’s easy to make? reminds you of something from home? someone? Maybe it’s not that deep and it’s simply fun to squish or roll or wrap.. I hope to explore this question as I cook more in 2024 with friends, family, and some newfound communities.